Engineering Mesh Nets

17 July 2024 Print 0 223

Engineering Mesh Nets

Selection for Civil Projects: Engineering mesh nets have numerous applications in civil and construction projects.

 These include:

  1. Reinforcing and strengthening soft and weak soils for road construction
  2. Creating vegetated walls as sound insulation on highways
  3. Protecting and restoring coastal lands
  4. Reinforcing the substructure of roads, railway lines, and parking lots
  5. Reinforcing concrete and shotcrete
  6. Creating earthen walls and substructures for bridges
  7. Preventing soil erosion and landslides on steep surfaces
  8. Protecting the external coating of oil, gas, and water pipelines and constructing embankments
  9. Preventing settlement in marshy lands


  • Even distribution of loads on soft soils
  • High resistance to chemicals and corrosive agents
  • Rust-resistant and resistant to biological factors
  • High resistance to moisture and water
  • Easy to transport and install
  • Suitable flexibility to adapt to ground surfaces

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